We offer our clients a diverse range of services depending on the needs of each client. While it is not possible to provide a complete listing of all of the services provided, you will find below an overview of some of the most common.
Business Owners and Professionals

Owning and operating your own business or professional practice allows freedom and creates opportunities, but also comes with responsibilities . At R.W. Penson Financial we specialize in providing such services as Employee Benefit Planning, Individual Pension Plans (IPP's), Estate and Business Succession Planning, Tax Free Corporate Estate Transfer and others. Contact us for a complimentary no obligation review.
Individuals and Families

If you have debts or dependents you need life insurance to protect the ones you love in the event that you are not around to do so. What are the different types of life insurance policies best used for? What are living benefits and what is the difference between Disability Insurance and Critical Illness Insurance? Do you need either? What about Long Term Care Insurance?
At R.W. Penson Financial we help you determine your life and living benefits insurance needs using Capital Needs Analysis and match that to the best type of policy for you.
Tax Planning

Canada is a country with a great quality of life, but the things that make it great cost money that comes from income and investment tax that can reduce the size of your hard earned nest egg.
When you invest dollars that you have already paid tax on (up to 53.53% tax for top earners in Ontario) any income earned is then added to your income and taxed at the top rate. It doesn't have to be this way.
New products have come out in the last number of years that reduce or eliminate the annual tax bill on non-registered investment portfolios. Would you be interested in paying no tax for 15 years on income coming from non-registered investments? Contact us for details on Corporate Class and T Series Mutual Funds.
Estate Planning

Maintaining the value of assets built up over generations and ensuring they can be transferred intact to children and grandchildren is a worry for many people. Do you have a family business that has become a large part of your net worth through your diligence and hard work? What about the cottage? Are the generations of the future going to be able to continue building memories? Is there a charity you feel strongly about that you would like to benefit from your good fortune?
These are but a few of the common estate planning dilemmas our clients have. At R.W. Penson Financial in alliance with the Trust and Estate Planning (TEP) experts at the various insurance companies, we can help you develop a plan in conjunction with your other professional advisors to make sure CRA is not a main beneficiary of your estate.
Retirement Planning

Developing a realistic written retirement plan is integral to your personal financial roadmap. There are many things to consider when doing this including:
How much income do I want when I am retired?
How much will $100 worth of groceries cost when I am 75?
Which is best for me RRSP's or TFSA's? What's the difference?
How much will the government give me and when?
What is the expected future income I can get from my retirement plan at work?
These are important questions that can help you get clarity as to where you are now and how equipped you are to face your financial future. We can answer these questions for you.
Post Retirement Planning

When you have stopped working your planing needs will not end. Having an asset withdrawal plan is just as important as an asset accumulation plan. Except now you want the answers to such question as:
- I have an RRSP, TFSA, investments...how do I minimize my tax and maximize my government benefits?
- How do I protect my income from inflation and market risk?
- Should I buy an annuity? What other options are there so I don't run out of money?
- I want to see my children enjoy their inheritance while I am alive. How should I do that so I can minimize my income tax?
At R.W. Penson Financial we can properly structure a post retirement plan that will allow you to enjoy the twilight of your life without having to worry about these issues.